Frequently Asked Questions (and answers!)

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Why did you build this?

Being able to create things with software is such a joy - it's gratifying and fun, and also an awesome skill to have regardless of your profession. You can bring ideas to life with just a computer and some software! You'll grow your analytic thinking skills which help in all areas of your career and in your life. That's useful even if you're not a programmer (or don't intend to become one).

Why is it $69.99/year?

Learning software development is either too expensive (academia, bootcamps, etc.) or too confusing (piecing it all together yourself). A low-cost and effective alternative is very much needed. For pretty much the cost of a book you can have access to all that CodeSprout has to offer! Videos, side quests, in-browser code editing, AI help.

If you use it every day in the year (and I hope that you do!), you're only paying $0.19 per day to learn an incredibly valuable skill! It's hard to argue with that :)

How do I get started?

All you have to do is sign up! There are some free lessons so you can get a taste of what CodeSprout is all about, but with a subscription you'll get access to all the content, current and new. New lessons are released periodically to give you new things to learn.

And don't worry about time-consuming software installation. Everything you need is right in the browser. CodeSprout is tested in Google Chrome, but you can try other browsers to see if those work, too. That's all you need!

What are the lessons like?

CodeSprout features short but powerful lessons that will test all areas of programming skills. In some of those lessons, you'll learn basic programming concepts in the Ruby language. In other lessons, you'll learn about data structures, you'll build small programs, and you can take all your code with you to run it wherever you want. All lessons have videos and a built-in code editor that you can use. Some lessons also have written content to study as well.

What are some things I can do once I learn software development?

Learning to program is a lifelong journey! But once you get good at it, here are a few things you can do...

  • You can switch to an in-demand and well-paid career as a software engineer
  • You can build and run your own software business as a founder
  • You can create a side-hustle that earns some extra income
  • You can build a useful tool or app that improves your everyday life
  • You can learn to speak the language of technology so you can better communicate with a technical co-founder of a start-up
  • As a PM/Designer/Marketer/Finance person you can talk tech with the engineers you work with every day
  • You can continue to learn, grow, and upskill as a software professional
  • You can learn a new skill that challenges you